Sunday, March 16, 2008

American Spirit U.S. Grown RYO Tobacco Review

American Spirit is 100% addictive free natural tobacco. The U.S. blend tobacco is grown entirely in the United States of America, kick ass. Its all natural so along with being addictive free it contains no chemical additives, preservatives, scrap or processed stems. Only natural whole leaf. The taste of the tobacco is unique to other ryo tobaccos, you will just have to smoke it for yourself and see. I have noticed it dosnt burn as even as other ryo brands, and usually the cigarette goes out on average one time per cigarette. This is probably because there are no accelerates. The pouch has a zip-lock feature because being 100% natural, it has the tendency to become to dry or moist. Their ziplock feature takes care of that problem. This is a unique tobacco thats hard to describe in terms of taste, but its good. The papers it comes with are a bit thin for my taste(I find thin papers a pain to handle) but there useable.

Midnight Special RYO Tobacco review

Midnight special is one of my favorite ryo tobaccos. Its a value priced fine cut tobacco that is a mix of domestic and imported tobacco. Some people say its harsh, but it isnt from what I have noticed. Its priced at under 2 dollars for a small pouch that will roll around 20 cigarettes. It has a great smelling aroma, much different from a factory made cigarette, and even different than other ryo tobacco. It has a unique rich taste to it. The rolling papers it comes with work just fine and burn well. The tobacco burns even and smooth. Id take Midnight Special over many more expensive brands, and its one of my favorites.

Zig-Zag Original Classic American Blend Cigarette Tobacco - Review

Zig-Zag has a pretty extensive history behind the name. Im not going to get into that though, but as most people probably know their known for their rolling papers. Anywho, I was never aware they made cigarette tobacco so when I saw it I decided to just pick up a whole can. You get 6oz of tobacco in a metal can with plastic lid, and 200 rolling papers. For being a full flavor tobacco its very smooth, yet packs the power of any full flavored roll your own tobacco. The tobacco burns slow and even, with a nice aroma. Surprisingly the rolling papers they came with were crap. For starters there made in France, and we all know there not good at much. The way the papers are packaged inside the little book isn't what you would probably be used to seeing. There literally held on by clue and you have to carefully take them out. No matter how gentle I was, I would always end up ripping a few every time I rolled up a pack, just by trying to remove them. So I ended up going out and buying myself some Job papers.